and revolutionary ideas echoed as great improvements in the development of our country. We know them from our American history as Founding Fathers, US Presidents or other brave people, who dedicated their lives to fight for the betterment of masses. We will always admire and respect them for their achievements.
Because of this statement we all agree, that privilege of being placed on bills and coins is reserved only to those people, whose are fitting to this special group. Do we really have to be like them in order to receive the same opportunity or privilege of being printed on the money? Maybe we can print whoever we want.
To make a response for the main topic of this assignment I had to do a deeper study on Abraham Lincoln’s biography. By doing so, I came to the conclusion that I do not see or know anybody, who could be equal with the greatness as Abraham Lincoln possessed. There is nobody among our politicians, who can have such magnificent charisma. Most of our presidents were working for the interest of the elite of richand powerful people. Only few of them can be pointed as great souls, who wanted to help common people.
To praise Abraham Lincoln I want to say, that he was one of great leaders, who was able to understand the poor and hardworking population, because he grew up among them. This is his “secret” of being so special and unique. This is why I see him not replaceable.
To praise Abraham Lincoln I want to say, that he was one of great leaders, who was able to understand the poor and hardworking population, because he grew up among them. This is his “secret” of being so special and unique. This is why I see him not replaceable.