Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No replacement for Lincoln

It is obvious, that people portrayed on the US money are examples of individuals, whose visions
and revolutionary ideas echoed as great improvements in the development of our country. We know them from our American history as Founding Fathers, US Presidents or other brave people, who dedicated their lives to fight for the betterment of masses. We will always admire and respect them for their achievements.
Because of this statement we all agree, that privilege of being placed on bills and coins is reserved only to those people, whose are fitting to this special group. Do we really have to be like them in order to receive the same opportunity or privilege of being printed on the money? Maybe we can print whoever we want.
To make a response for the main topic of this assignment I had to do a deeper study on Abraham Lincoln’s biography. By doing so, I came to the conclusion that I do not see or know anybody, who could be equal with the greatness as Abraham Lincoln possessed. There is nobody among our politicians, who can have such magnificent charisma. Most of our presidents were working for the interest of the elite of richand powerful people. Only few of them can be pointed as great souls, who wanted to help common people.
To praise Abraham Lincoln I want to say, that he was one of great leaders, who was able to understand the poor and hardworking population, because he grew up among them. This is his “secret” of being so special and unique. This is why I see him not replaceable.

Time to honor Margaret Sanger

I think that Margaret Sanger should be on the penny, Abraham Lincoln has been on the penny close to a decade and I think it’s only fair to give someone else a chance to let people know what their contribution to the world was. If we look back to the numerous faces on dollar bills and coins we would recognize that they are all important people who have contributed to our society in some way, shape, or form. Well I think that Margaret Sanger should have her moment to shine because she is important too. To those who do not know why she is important, this may be the way for them to find out and ask questions.
Margaret Sanger is known for her crusade to legalize birth control which later spurred the movement for women’s liberalization. As a young girl Margaret witnessed her mother’s slow death worn out after 18 pregnancies and 11 live births. Later while working as a nurse and midwife in the poorest neighborhoods of New York city before World War I she saw women deprived of their health, sexuality and ability to care for children already born. She was appalled at the death from self-induced abortions
Contraceptive information was suppressed by clergy-influenced, physician accepted laws. It was this injustice that inspired Sanger to defy the church and the state. In 1914 she launched a feminist monthly The Woman Rebel which advocated birth control. In 1916 she opened the US’s first family planning clinic in Brooklyn and was arrested for creating public nuisance. She later escaped to Europe to avoid severe criminal penalties after being indicted for inciting violence and promoting obscenity. Her case was dismissed after her return to the States but she continued to push legal and social boundaries by initiating sex counseling and organizing the first international population conference. Her struggle with law dramatized her cause and won doctors the right to dispense birth-control information to their patients.
In 1921 she founded the American Birth Control League which became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She spread her wings to as far as Japan and India where organizations she helped start still flourish. Sanger was past 80 when she saw the first marketing of a contraceptive pill, which she helped develop. Sanger’s brave and joyous life included fulfilling work, three children, two husbands and an international network of friends and colleagues. She was charismatic and never abandoned her focus on women’s freedom. She lived as if she and everyone else had the right to control her or his own life. By word and deed, she pioneered the most radical and humane political movements of the century. She died on Sept 6, 1996 in Tuscan, Arizona. For all her trials and tribulations I believe she should be able to have her face put on the U.S Penny.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Walt Disney,just to mix it up

Abe Lincoln has been on the penny for around a hundred years. It’s time for a change. What kind of people are on government money? For the most part the people featured are heroes. George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Sacagawea are only three of the well known men and women important enough to put on money. Abe Lincoln was important too, but he is already on the five dollar bill. It’s time for a change.
I would like to see Walt Disney on the penny. The all time question bearer, a.k.a. children, ask parents often who people are. If they see the new penny with Walt Disney on it and they question who he is they will find out that he is the creator of many of their favorite movies and one of their favorite T.V. channels. Then when they ask who George Washington was and they find he was the first president of the United States of America, they will learn something very important in life. They will see that you don’t have to be the President to be important in life. It’s a good lesson for the children.
Also, Disney would be great for the penny because its fun. Who wouldn’t want to see a picture of Walt himself with maybe a character or two behind him? Disney just makes you feel good. That’s why so many people take at least one trip to Disneyland or world in his/her life. If we could have the magical feeling of Disney in our pocket maybe we would value the penny so much more.
Yes, ole’ Abe is just fine for the penny but we should mix it up; even if it’s for the heck of it!

Dr. Seuss, for a change

Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin. Martin Luther King Jr. Mother Theresa. These are just a few of the many people throughout history that many people today still look up to, admire and respect. These are also some famous faces that we will never forget, and some of these faces have appeared on United States currency. For example, the face of Thomas Jefferson can be found on the American nickel, while Benjamin Franklin’s face is associated with the one hundred dollar bill. As any American knows, the face of Abraham Lincoln can be found on not only the five dollar bill, but also the penny. Abraham Lincoln’s face has appeared on the penny for almost one hundred years, but don’t you think it’s time for a change? Nothing against old honest Abe, but it’s about time he gives up his reign on the penny and let someone else’s face shine on that gleaming wonder of copper. There are so many people whose face I’d like to see on the penny, but the person I think that I would most like to see is Theodor Seuss Geisel, who is better known as Dr.Seuss. Once you stop laughing, you’ll probably think, “Why on earth should Dr.Seuss be on the front of the penny?” My answer? Why shouldn’t he be on the front of the penny?
Dr.Seuss has been publishing his wonderful, nonsensical books and touching children’s lives since 1937. He has written such books as The Cat in the Hat, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Hop on Pop, and Green Eggs and Ham just to name a few. Throughout those years, he has written and illustrated 44 children’s books, won the Pulitzer Prize as well as 3 Academy Awards for his work. Not many authors have done that. Dr.Seuss’ books were enjoyed by my grandmother as a child as well as my parents. I loved them growing up, and children today love them as well. Dr. Seuss’s’ books will follow throughout history and become as classic as the fairy tales written by Hans Christian Anderson. Why shouldn’t the face of a man who has touched that many lives be on the front of a penny?
Dr.Seuss’ was a wonderful man who has touched generation after generation with his wacky and zany stories. Some may wonder why his stories are so wacky, and his answer to that was, “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.” There is no one else that could even compare with his style of writing, and I really don’t think anyone ever will. He was such an individual and his books are incredible. Dr. Seuss even has the ability to inspire adults. He once said something that I still live by to this day. This quote alone makes his seem that much more wonderful of a human being, and makes him seem even more worthy of being on the front of a penny. “Be who you want and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

The Statue of Liberty

What better compliment to someone who has meant so much to our nation, than to engrave their memory into the fabric of the everyday life of its citizens. The men and women that have been entombed onto our legal tender have accomplished important advancements and represent our nation’s great heritage.
But, I believe that America is not just about her great leaders and philanthropists. America is about much more than just the people who lived it, it’s about a feeling. A feeling that hope springs eternal, that everything will wash out in the end, that great strife will lead to a great life. With this sentiment in mind, I believe that the best possible replacement for Abraham Lincoln on the one cent piece would be what I believe is the most iconic image of the collective spirit of America, our Statue of Liberty.
The presence of the Lady Liberty represents not only what we all hope to be, but who we are and what we’ve come from. With her raised right foot forward leading the way, her left foot tramples the chains of tyranny which lie at her feet. Her massive torch blazes the path to enlightenment as an escape from oppression. She serves as a welcome home to her citizens, a greeting of strength to our guests and an inspiration to arriving immigrants. Her stern face both warns that liberty will not be had easily and should not be taken lightly or for granted.
Let these tiny pennies, our simplest, most commonly circulated coin, carry the embodiment of our own tiny start, from a fledgling group of dissenters to a mighty force of united individuals.

FDR deserves more than just a dime

Abraham Lincoln served well for his country during his presidency and long after, since 1905 on the penny. If we’re considering replacing Mint on the penny, we should only think of another, the same monumental personality. Past century was rich in technological and social progress. We should consider selecting an extraordinary person who gave input into development of our country and its society. My first nominators for replacing a portrait on the penny were Wilbur and Orville Wright, fathers of airplane industry. My attention also captures Martin Luther King, a great peace and civil right leader for the black community. However, my principal preference goes to the President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the greatest leader of the American Nation since Lincoln.
Roosevelt was an extraordinary person with a positive attitude that brought hope to millions of Americans in era of the Great Depression. In the time when nation was sinking into chaos, when many lost their life security as savings, jobs and were evicted on the streets, he brought a program and the opportunity to help them. His plan, New Deal was a controversial policy to intervene in country’s economy on federal level. His regulations established secure banking policy, regulated stock market, brought help for businesses and farmers, and a relief for unemployment. He had provide many establishments that provide jobs for millions of people.
Results of his initiative are seen trough these days. The most crucial is Social Security System, established by Roosevelt Administration. However it is a weak, and needs drastic reform in our time, it still provides retirement and medical assistance for millions. What Roosevelt begun we need to continue with modifications that would serve to provide security for all of us.
While entering forest we should remember that this is effect that was initiated by Roosevelt and
done by workers whose were hired to reduce unemployment. When we enjoy our trip to the State Parks we should know that they exist because of Roosevelt inspiration.
Roosevelt is one of the people that should replace Lincoln on the penny because he was not only extraordinary politician but a great leader who raised morale of the whole country in devastating time. He is also an initiator of economic recovery and founder of modern banking security system. If they decide to put Roosevelt on the penny they will able to put whoever they want on the dime, even Ronald Reagan.

Good cents

Since 1909 President Lincoln has been occupying the front and back of the U.S. cent Next year
President Lincoln will be retiring after 50 years on the job and elections will be taking place for his replacement.
Some of the top contenders currently running for his spot are not the typical U.S. president’s but
their wives. The top four are in no particular order.
We start first with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. She is best known for her devotion to young people and the underprivileged. She was chairman of the Human Rights Commission and assisted her husband while in presidency on trips and meetings with world leaders.
A second contender is First Lady Nancy Reagan. The First Lady was a big advocate for
many charitable groups surrounding veterans, physically handicapped and those with drug and alcohol problems. She focused a lot of her time on raising the awareness of these problems.
The Third is First Lady Elizabeth Ford. Mrs. Ford fought a courageous battle of breast cancer and shared her experience publically. Another battle she fought was her dependency on drugs. She established the Betty Ford Clinic to help with treatment for the rest of us with this same problem.
And lastly we have First Lady Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge. First Lady Coolidge supported the school for the deaf, and her husband’s political career, as she attended all social and political activities and kept up with family responsibilities at home.
All candidates should be credited for their great contributions while in the white house and should be recognized for their good deeds and what other better way to do it than to grace the cover of a good cent.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Let's put ourselves on the penny

Power to the people I say! That is who should be on the penny and every other coin for that matter. The people of this great country are the faces we should look at everyday when we go to spend our hard earned money. The unsung heroes, who believe so much in this country and have put so much of their blood, sweat and tears into it. The men and woman who have fought and died for our country in the past and still today. Just as we have every state listed on the quarter, there should be an everyday hard working citizen who has given tirelessly to improving the life of another person because they wanted to and it is what we are supposed to do.

Oprah or other modern-day heroes

Why do we commemorate dead president on our currency? Isn’t this tradition a little out dated. I believe if we want to commemorate someone it should be someone who is American and has done great things whether or not they were president. I believe that someone such as Martin Luthor King would be a good candidate for commemoration on the penny.
This country was founded on the ideals that everyone is given the same opportunitys. If this tradition is held true then why not have other people commemorated for the great things they have done. It makes sense to put only the well known “heroes” on such widely used currency. This I am not denying. But why must they always be presidents.
Where would this nation be if no one like Martin Luthor King were to fight for their beliefs. Great people should be remembered for their great works and what better way then to have them on our currency. And what about people like Sally Struthers and Oprah Winfrey who have spent their lives helping people. Should we let them die and be forgotten? I say no commemorate them on our currency. Give them each a year to show up on a certain bill or coin.
There are many great people the US has produced and I say give them all a chance to be remembered. Even if it is only one year at least it gives these great people a chance to be remembered.

Hillary should take Lincoln's place

Should Lincolns face be removed from the penny? After one hundred years of being on the face of the penny I think its time for a change. The United States has changed just about all the currency to some new look, but the penny remains the same. I think the U.S mint should place someone of importance on the penny. But who? George Bush, Bill Clinton, or someone from a different era of time? I believe they should place Hilary Clinton on the face of the penny. If she is elected president of the United States she will be the first woman president. The penny representing our lowest currency will show that most of the United States will carry her every day. Almost every one has a penny. She will be remembered for being the first. Like Lincoln, he was remembered for being honest Abe because he walked miles to return a few pennies.
Being the face of the penny doesn’t mean much. But the United States needs a change because she will be the first, and why not remember that by placing her face on the penny. If Hillary is elected president it will set a milestone for this country. It will give us change and innovation to the way a man respects a woman. She will be a woman of power.
Have you ever looked at the American currency before? I have. On all the U.S currency there is not one woman. They are all men of importance. Or a former president so lets give the first woman president the first feminine currency in the united states.

No more politicians

When it comes to boring and ugly currency, the United States tops the world. Every day, we are allowed the privilege of trading dead presidents for our day to day needs. While the idea that we are honoring past greats is a good one, one would be hard pressed to find a single person to look at a quarter and think to themselves “Gosh, Washington really was a great guy. Boy I sure am glad that he was our president.” I feel that we need to break away from the trend of presidential coinage, and return to more elaborate and attractive designs.
Before 1946, when the Roosevelt bust was put onto the dime, a beautiful portrait of Liberty with a winged hat (commonly referred to as Mercury dime, although the Greek god Mercury isn’t the one shown). Previous to the Jefferson nickel 1938; an Indian chief graced the front of the 5 cent piece, with a side view of a buffalo on the reverse. Replaced in 1932 by the Washington quarter, a standing view of Liberty, and an eagle in flight was depicted on our quarters. In 1909, the Lincoln penny debuted, replacing the Indian Head penny. Each design prior to the current dead president trend contained elaborate views of Liberty, eagles, and Native Americans.
In 2009, the Lincoln Penny will be one hundred years old. By previous redesign standards, this is close to fifty years late for an overhaul. I feel that the penny should move completely away from the presidential theme, and return to a more traditional design. The silver dollar of 1921-1928, and 1934-5, is largely considered the single most attractive U.S. coin ever minted. I feel we need to return to the style of this coin. The silver dollar features a very gentle crowned lady liberty bust on the obverse, and a perched eagle basking in the suns rays. I do not feel that any single person deserves the honor of being put on our penny, or any of our currency. I feel that our currency should be symbolic of what the U.S. stands for, and where it evolved from.
The Lincoln penny is long overdue for retirement. The obverse is the longest running unchanged coin design the United States has ever minted, and it is time for change. Its retirement will open the door for a more traditional, and far more attractive and symbolic design. The old Liberties, Eagles, olive branches, and Native depictions on our coins gave off a message of appreciation of where we have come from, and what we stand for. With times the way they are, I feel coins should depict something other than politicians. They need to convey a message of peace and appreciation, and idolizing a person on our coins does not accomplish this.

Mary Magdalene deserves the honor

How about we put a woman on the face of the penny? Why not? My first instinct was to say Jesus! But, after I thought about it, we don’t have any women on the faces of change. It’s called change for a reason. I think I would say religion changes everything. And the closest woman to Jesus is Mary Magdalene. It all depends on which religious standpoint you talk about from I guess, and some might say it is a bit religiously discriminating, but I could care less. We are a Judeo-Christian based society, thought it rarely shows. I think Mary is the best choice.
The historical facts surrounding Mary Magdalene are shrouded in speculation. However accounts from the Gospels and other sources say that Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most devoted followers. She is considered by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches to be a saint. It is said she was a women of “ill repute” but according to the Gospel of Mark and Luke her pure devotion to Christ earned her complete forgiveness. Mary Magdalene stood near Jesus at his crucifixion and was the first to see his resurrection. This crucifixion changed history supposedly. The most dedicated to Jesus Christ is who I would want to look at the most. Have you ever looked at the amount of change you receive when you purchase something? The majority of my change is usually pennies, I don’t know how. But I would rather see someone who spiritually changed the world, more than someone who historically changed anything. History is boring, and when it’s not, it’s just horrible.

Put W on the penny!

I firmly believe that this country has been short-changed by President Bush. I think it would be a fitting tribute to President Bush to have his face embellished on the penny. As a lasting tribute to what he has done to this country, the death of this country. Thanks to President Bush this country is in turmoil. Citizens cannot afford food let alone gas. Our dollar is falling fast and will take many years to gain in value. We owe more money to China than any other country, in fact if you look at it China owns us! So as a fitting adios to Presdient Bush when he leaves office, he should take the place of Lincoln on the penny.

Millard Fillmore's time to shine

So we all know about Lincoln and the penny and I probable don't need to even mention his monopolistic control of it from his after life copper palace high atop Mt Olympus, but now it come to my attention that they want to put a new face on them ending his almost a century of tourney and I say more power to ya.
But now if this happens it's time to try to put another creepy ghost of the White House to the penny's façade and I say lets use Millard Fillmore because not all that much is known about his term in office and what is known is shrouded in mystery.
Millar Fillmore rose to power after the ill-fainted Zachary Taylor died in office after serving less the six months then the seemingly young robust fifty three year old Millard Fillmore took the reigns of power in the strongest seat in the world, a seat that Millard was comfortable in because he had served as King of England some two hundred years earlier, also some 362 and a half years before that he was King of the Byzantine empire and also he served as a milk maid for Cleopatra and easily held a hundred other persona across the annals of history .Yes you guessed it Millard Fillmore was a Nuesvertue, the walking un-dead a Vampire but not in the story book fantasy sense he was the Real McCoy and could very much go out in the day light as well as eat garlic and he could polymorph, that is change his physical body but into a bat instead to a squirrel . Little is said about this Vampire Lord turned politician term in office al though he was the first President to institute the take "a penny leave a penny policy" which at the time was a joke because penny then were giant hunks of stone weighing at roughly two hundred pounds later they would be changed (after a long legal battle that ended with the Spanish American war and the establishment of Broke Back Mountain Range) in to the change, we are accustom with now. Other great accomplishments of his persistency is that the earth much to the chagrin of it invaders was not taken over buy aliens no this vampire used a powerful army of the of sea creatures called fourth buy mystical plumbers who just happened to be on hand instilling indoor pluming in the White House, or that what my Grandpa told me when I was young
For these many reasons (all of which are true) makes him the best choice for the new penny's.

Keep Honest Abe

I believe that if we were, to indeed change the penny, that no one replaces Abraham Lincoln. I don’t think anyone in America today is deserving of replacing him. He is one of our founding fathers and helped get America on track. I think that if there was someone that make as much of a difference as him, then yes they should be on the penny. But today there isn’t anyone that’s actually doing anything to help fix us. Were going downhill and we need a modern day Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln is there for a reason; he got America out of a rough time and got us to where we needed to be. No one is going out on their own to try and fix what’s wrong. And more then enough is wrong with America today. Our dollar is decreasing, inflation is rising greatly and were in the middle of a war. But no one is going to take it into their own hands and do something about it. I’m not saying people need to do these types of things to be recognized. I’m simply stating that to be an American icon depicted on the US penny, they should be able to say; “I made a positive change for America and my people.”

Abraham Lincoln helped free the slaves as most people know. Because of him black men and women in the United States now have all the rights that white people have. Can you think of a person in the past few years that has done something close to that? My personal opinion is no. I don’t believe anyone else has done a fraction of what Lincoln has done. Therefore no one is deserving enough to replace Abraham Lincoln as one of Americas icons and a real role model for the type of people we need these days. Unless someone decides to step up and fight for what they believe, I say we keep honest Abe on the penny and hope someone follows in his footsteps. Only then will I agree with a new American icon on the United States penny.

The new penny

These are essays written by my Comp 101 students at Tunxis Community College.