Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Admiral of the Ocean Sea

Many different people could rock the face of the penny. However, Christopher Columbus is one man who I think could rock it extremely well. I’m sure that everyone familiarizes his name with the discovery of America. Whether or not this is true, I do believe he deserves some credit because even if he wasn’t infact the “first” person to find America, he was the first person to make something of his discovery.
Christopher Columbus’s discovery or should I say “re-discovery” began in 1492 with his first voyage, however, it wasn’t until his third voyage in 1498 that he came upon new land. His discovery is the most important because it made America known worldwide. He was the first to introduce the old world to the new world. He was the first to introduce European culture to the new world. Lastly, he was the first to open up commerce between the new land and the rest of the world.
Christopher Columbus deserves to be the next face of the penny simply because if it wasn’t for him who knows if we would have a penny. Who knows how America would be, so let’s give credit to the man who found it all by placing his face on the penny.

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