Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let's honor Dr. King

Most people in the world today whether rich or poor at least have a penny. We may treat this penny like it’s nothing, but it really is something special. A penny allows us to carry along a face of someone who made a huge impact on the world we live in today; to remember someone of complete importance. Without question, Martin Luther King should be the new face on the original penny.
Martin Luther King was one of the most important historical figures of our time. He freed the slaves and helped with segregation among blacks and whites. King made a huge difference in this world and no one can compare. Everyone is fully acquainted with Martin Luther King and we all remember his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Without Martin Luther King, this world would be a completely different place. Blacks and whites would not hold the same respect for each other as they do today. Imagine walking into a city bus and being told where to sit? Or not being able to have interracial relationships?
King made a huge impact on how we perceive people. He taught us that it doesn’t matter what color skin we have, we are all a person inside with dreams, goals and a future ahead of us. We deserve to explore ourselves to our fullest potential and not be held back by anything; especially something as little as skin color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well written. Concise. I personally agree with him being a great figure.