Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Someone special, but not sure who that is

Coins are in use for a long time. They were the first type of money. If there would be no coins, there would be no money and no economy. Right now they might be not so important, because of their value, but they are still very useful. There are more coins than bills inside our wallets and the most popular coin is penny. Since 1909 that coin did not change. There is George Washington’s face on it. What would happen if somebody else would be on the penny? What kind of a person would be the best? Who it should be?
Person, whose picture would be on a penny, should be very important for American citizens. I think that in the last century there were many people who left a big mark on the history of United States. In the group of those people we can put Martin Luther King, Franklin Delano Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy. The only problem is that I don’t think that they would deserve to be on the most popular coin. That’s why in my opinion the obverse of the penny should be empty. There should be no face on it. Person on that coin should be extraordinary, but in the last century there was nobody like that. Penny should stay empty until there will be somebody in United States, who will change that country. I believe that in the future there will be a human who will help Americans change the way they think, behave or look at each other. That person will help this country to be the strongest society on the planet. He or she will lead American citizens to the top of the world. In my opinion, to be on the penny individual will need to have good skills and qualities combined from all of the greatest people in the world, somebody that we will be proud with. Putting someone on that coin will make Americans feel that this is somebody very important for us, because his or her face is on the most popular coin. That’s why obverse of the penny should be blank and wait for “the perfect one”.
In my opinion for most of people it is not so important who would be on that coin. Those people do not care about the look, but about the value of the money. They don’t care who they have in their wallets as long as it is full. We have to remember that we have more pennies than any other coins or bills and we look at them very often. My personal feeling makes me think that we might not care about that face, but we will remember it. That’s why I think it should be someone special and in our society I don’t recognize that person yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You essay was different than the other! I liked that! Loved the statements, " They don't care who they have in their wallets as long as it's full." and That's why the observe of the penny should be blank and wait for " the perfect one"! That may tie in with the essay " putting God's face on the coin" What do you think?