Tuesday, September 9, 2008

FDR saved the nation

Since being first minted the U.S. Penny has always had the face of one of our greatest presidents Abraham Lincoln. I think that the face on the penny should be changed to that of another historical figure because my boy Abe is already on the five dollar bill. Why should a president get his face on two different types of currency? I think that the face on the penny should be changed to that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I think that throughout the history FDR has been one of the most crucial and best presidents to date. He took office during the Great Depression and some how found a way to get us out of the worst depression our nation has ever seen. That’s only one of the many things FDR has done.
Roosevelt is the only president to date that has served more than two terms in office. FDR was voted in for four terms of office. That alone should be enough to put his face on a bill or a coin. Also during WWII he helped lead the allied forces alone with Churchill and Stalin to beat the Japanese and Nazi’s.
I feel that without Roosevelt our world would be a lot different than it is today. Our economy could have never recovered from the Great depression and our country could have been taken over by the Nazi’s or Jap’s. This is why I feel that FDR deserves a place forever in the currency of America.


Anonymous said...

Good bias opinions on this one. I also believe FDR does not get as much respect as he desrves.

Anonymous said...

FDR is on the dime. Perhaps you should have researched that a little?
If he wasn't already on a coin, I would think he was a very good choice.

Anonymous said...

Although this piece was well written I have a few issues with Franklin Delano Roosevelt being on the U.S. penny. I think that he had done a lot of great things for our nation while in office, but when he turned his back and could have done more to save Jewish lives during the Holocaust.While in office Roosevelt prevented a number of Jewish refugees who could have fit in under the small legal quotas for immigration from escaping the nazis. He avoided all calls for help and could have helped out tremendously if only he was a bigger man. Instead he was afraid of what interfering would do to his reputation. So to conclude I would have to say that having him on the penny would be putting on everything that america does NOT stand for.

Anonymous said...

the obove comment is absurd seriously people should stop writing this kind of comment because nobody is asking for there opinion on roosevelt.They should rather focus on writing