Tuesday, September 9, 2008

World Trade Center would remind us of 9-11

I think that Abraham Lincoln should disappear from a penny, because he was on it for too long. I know that he was a good president and he probably deserve that, but people like changes.
I think that his place should take something that reminds to people about United States, about something important, about something that people should not forget. Penny is a coin that we all see many times a day, so when we look on the penny, then we should know what’s on it.
I think that it would be great if World Trade Center will take Abraham Lincoln’s place. Everyone know what was it and what happened that day. I think that twin towers deserve to be on a penny, because many people died in that tragic day, and after that many things changed in United States. After that day many people did not felt as safety as they were before. The war against terrorism, war in Iraq, all those things start after September 11.
That’s why I think, that World Trade Center as a symbol should stand in a penny and I think that it really deserve that.


Anonymous said...

This essay could use more detail to help better argue their side

Anonymous said...

i think you started off to right to the point. you could have opened with a question or a fact about 9-11. other than that i liked the idea to remeber all the people who died that day and are still fighting in iraq today.

Anonymous said...

I think you make a valid point and you could make a valid arguement, however you could use more detail. Starting with a question regarding 9-11 would be a great way to grab the readers attention and gather more people to agree with you.

Tyler Underhill said...

I can see the basics of your arguement, however I would like to see more detail put into it.

The grammar and spelling could use work as well, that is something that can somewhat be fixed easily in spelling and grammar check.

Anonymous said...

I can only just begin to understand your argument. It lacks alot of details to be really sure that it's a good idea to change the penny to having the twin towers. Also the twin towers are on comemorative collective coins, so they do have a place in your lives.

Anonymous said...

The author should've been much more concerned with their spelling and grammar. As I was reading, the grammar errors took my attention away from the point of the essay.

Anonymous said...

I didn't really like the way this one was worded, however, I do like the idea of the World Trade Centers adorning the one cent piece.

Anonymous said...

Good idea, just could use more detail to help prove their point. check grammar.

Anonymous said...

I think that your first sentence was to aggressive. It might steer away the reader or have the leader lose focus on what your trying to say. Abraham Lincoln was in fact a good president. I do agree with you that the twin towers would make a great change but you should add more facts. Instead of stating "everyone knows what happend" explain what happend and go into more on why you should change.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really good idea, but it needs more reasoning besides just that fact that we know what happened that day and people died. It needs more depth to it...

Anonymous said...

Great idea but it just lacks detail.