Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Put the Stars and Stripes on the penny

The Lincoln penny has been in use for nearly five hundred years yet is one of the most unused coins in our country. The majority of Americans have their collections of pennies lying in a Mason jar or mug on their nightstand, and will continue to leave them there until they are dumped into the local CoinStar where they will then be turned into a more useful type of currency. Maybe the penny needs a facelift in order to gain a little more respect. Exchanging Lincoln’s face for an American flag may do the penny some justice. What else is more patriotic than the American flag? Also, what is more stereotypical America than having money, only if it is one cent, lying around not being used? Therefore, let’s combine to the two.
The American flag is the symbol of American patriotism. It has found its way into countless aspects of American society, so why not have it on what America values the most; money. The flag is something that people respect. By adding the image of the American flag onto the penny, people might begin to have more respect for that too. In typical American fashion, many people will not use pennies simply because it will take a few more seconds to count them out, rather than just handing the cashier another dollar bill. What people often seem to forget is that if their daily cup of coffee costs $2.07, it is perfectly fine to grab a single, and seven cents. The penny deserves much more respect than it currently has. Having our symbolic American flag on its face may be just the thing to grant it that.


Anonymous said...

i like how you linked money and america it is very true that money is important to our nation. i think you could have put the sentence about the penny needing a face lift closer to the beging its a good sentence.

Anonymous said...

I like the comparison you made between American culture and the face of the penny. You have a valid point on the subject of why we should change it to an American flag, but on the other hand will changing what it looks like really make people want to see pennys. I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I think you make a valid point, but I still don't agree that anyone will ever actually care to look at the penny that much. In terms of our culture, we are basically programed to be moving constantly and never stopping to take the time to smell the roses, as we like to say. So, in all honesty, I don't think it would ever make a difference who or what is on the penny. I think that you've done a good job in writing this paper, but think about our culture and how we've been brought up to never stop and smell the coffee.

Anonymous said...

I think that the connection between what the falg represents and what the penny as money represents to america it would be a very good and clever idea

Anonymous said...

I think the American Flag would be just fine on a penny if they HAVE to change it. However, I dont' think having the Flag on a penny would do anything to change the way American's use it. Nobody really cares about the penny or what's even on it. It's just money.