Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama is perfect for change

Next year, the face of the penny should no longer reflect Abraham Lincoln but rather that of Barack Obama. 2008 is the year of change, and the most prevalent representation of change this year has been Barack Obama. As a nationwide phenomenon, Obama has made history. The penny should signify something of relevance to our country and something that will forever shape our history, and Barack does just that.
Obama has challenged all odds. He was raised in a low income house hold with less of an opportunity than most because of his ethnicity. The only advantage that he had was his will and determination. His disposition however reflected more of a disadvantage; never before has there been an African American to achieve (or even come close to the possibility of) what he is extremely close to achieving. Never before have so many Americans considered what they are now considering because of him. Our economy is currently in a stalemate. There aren’t many people that don’t desperately seek change within our nation’s tribulations and Obama has touched so many people because he promotes what so many Americans desperately desire. Change.
Ironically, Abraham Lincoln was the president who marked the beginning of equal opportunities for African Americans. Through the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln freed the slaves. It even gives a sentimental value for the new face of the penny to reflect his legacy; the man who has resided on our one cent piece for so long will now bestow his legacy with the new face of the penny representing what he believed in. Obama is the perfect candidate for the face of the penny. If the face should change, it should represent change, and also something of significance to our country today. He should also be the new face of the penny because he represents the beliefs of the old one.


Anonymous said...

The idea is interesting, however the 2008 election has not happened as of yet. Considerations of what he says he will do and what he would do if was to be in office was not considered in the arguement here. I would like to of seen a part talking about maybe after he would of been out of office not while currently in office.

Anonymous said...

There might be a valid argument here, in the future. However, Obama is not officially a president of the United States and he hasn't been through half the things that Lincoln did in his lifetime. In terms of comparing him to Lincoln, Lincoln has far more experience and reason to be on the penny. You're essay is very well written, it just doesn't quite make me agree.

Anonymous said...

I think this essay was very intriguing, and the you made your point very strong when you pointed out how Lincoln freed the slaves and it'd be perfect for the next person to be put on the penny an African American. The only change to this that i see is to state what if he doesn't become president? Would your opinion change or not?

Anonymous said...

Although it is true that Obama has changed the minds of many Americans, that is really all he has done so far. He has not had a chance to change anything yet, and until he does, he should not be on the face of the penny. You can not base something soley on what a person says they are going to do, their actions count also.

Anonymous said...

I also agree that the 2008 elections aren't over and Obama hasn't taken his reign yet. As wel as the fact that he is running is world breaking history but there can also be other african americans running following him. So what makes him so special to be placed on an american coin? we will have to wait till he is in office to answer that question.

Anonymous said...

Great idea and well written. I like the comparisons of change both Obama and Lincoln represented. If Obama is elected president than this will hold even more value.

Anonymous said...

what you have here is a great and resonable argument on why Obama should be the next face on the penny. however it will be even better if he does win the election.

Anonymous said...

I am deffinetly a fan of obama... i loved how you connected good ol abe and the presidencial hopeful as almost a passing of the tourch situation. and i agree just the fact that barack is a candidate pays tribute to licoln's legeacy... the only thing i wish i had read, was that obama's strugles in life were not just due to the fact that he is a minority, but yet even stil a son of a single mother. he's poverty and strugle and pulled him self up through education and his own will...also just like abe...

Anonymous said...

good work you essay sounds pretty good you stick to you topic. I think that a good written paper. Although I think Obama is too young to be on Penny :-).

Anonymous said...

Although I would like to see someone from our generation on the penny this particular choice I cannot agree with. He has accomplished some things but has not taken the oath of office he has not yet lived perhaps after time has passed and he has lived up to all the expectations we can revisit him as a choice.

Anonymous said...

the essay was very well written but i dont agree with the decision what if he isnt elected and what if he is and things dont go well i think we would need to wait and see