Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Keep Honest Abe

What should be imprinted on our Nation’s one cent coin? Well, since 1909, one of the greatest, if not most influential, presidents of all times face and upper torso has proudly been displayed on the United States of America one cent piece, also known as the penny. The copper coin has circulated more than any other thing in this country. It has been used to pay for 1 cent bubble gum, many decades ago, it could probably get you a gallon of milk, eggs, or bread. Nowadays, it is found in wishing wells, on street corners, and in those little blue containers found in the convenience stores that say, “leave-a-penny-take-a-penny” for the times when you are a couple pennies short for your total bill.
Apparently, nobody wants these “pennies,” so I guess in reality, not many people care what should be displayed on the nation’s one cent piece. However, I do, I think we should keep Honest Abe’s mug on our penny, and not be influenced to change or alter our currency. My fiancĂ© is a History teacher, and every day I hear stories about more and more kids who don’t know anything or care about our Nation’s history. I’m not suggesting that if we take Lincoln’s pic off the penny that all the kids in this world will lose more knowledge of our history, but I do feel that the world in general is evolving, and everyone tends to forget about who in history helped get us to where we are today.
Everything today is ipod this or imac that, or digital this or HD that. Yes, I agree, that the technology age is upon us, and it is totally awesome, but putting another image on that penny I think, just irks me a bit. I mean, who would we put on it, Bill Gates? Although, I would be open to the idea of putting another president on the penny along with Lincoln, or like you said, “issuing coins with all the presidents on it” might be cool, but I truly would not mess with a historic icon, if you will, as the penny. The only thing I would do, since I am a Graphic Designer, is maybe update the image a little bit and change the fonts kind of like they have done with the paper currency, which I admit has been very hard to make counterfeits, just kidding.
Seriously, I really believe that Abraham Lincoln should continue to be on our nation’s one cent piece, and like many people say, “if it works, leave it alone,” or something like that.


Anonymous said...

I really liked this peice. It showed and explained on many great thoughts and concepts. I agree many people today forget about the past. They tend to see what we have today and not consider how we got here. This peice would really make me want to rethink on why we would want to change the image just from the thoughts and considerations that came to my mind just reading this.

Anonymous said...

I like how you pointed out that your husband is a history teacher and many of his students know of his exploits; sad truth