Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Random facts or funny quotes

Since 1909 the U.S. penny has embraced the image of one of our most influentual presidents in the history of the country, Abraham Lincoln. It makes a lot of sence to have images of such heroic people through-out history on something that we are going to have contact with everyday. However, the penny itself has lost meaning in todays society. A hundered years ago you may have been able to use a penny or two to tip your milkman, or buy candy. Today your lucky if you could even use a dollar to satisfy those needs. This is why I think we should put random facts, or funny quotes on the penny, much like a snapple or sobe cap. The penny has almost no relevance anymore today, rather than a jingle in your pocket, or the rare instance you happen to have correct change. The penny is still needed economically to satisfy purchases, and the overall monetary system. So if we must keep it we mine as well have some fun with it. Imagine getting change back and having your penny say something interesting, like “if you save a hundred of me, you’ll have a dollar.” Or “Polar bears eat seals.” This way, whenever you get a penny, you’ll atleast look at it, rather than leave it in the coin thing by the register. On the back maybe you could even put lucky numbers, or a fortune.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this essay and I agree, it would get people more interested in looking at the penny. You make a valid point and a great argument.

Anonymous said...

This is a cute idea. I agree it will draw peoples attention to the penny. As well as i think more people will be eager to recieve a penny and save it. It will also be percieved differently by foriegners as well just like how we percieve fortune cookies.

Anonymous said...

this essay made me laugh i thought i was a really good idea, im a fan of snapple caps so this would make me want to read a penny everytime i got one. and i like how you wrote about what the penny was worth back then and now. that was a very good point.

Anonymous said...

I liked the idea. I think it was creative and imaginative. And I also agree that the penny is a lost cause, like you stated, "you can't do anything for a dollar, nevermind a penny."

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a good idea, people pay no attention to the penny today why not give them a reason to look at it!

Anonymous said...

This would be an awesome idea, I'd pay attention to every penny I had. Your grammar and spelling need some work, though.

Anonymous said...

This is a very cute idea and I really like it. I mean I never throw out a snapple cap before reading the fact under it. This idea would bring more attention to the penny and people would enjoy it. More penny's would be picked up off sidewalks just to read the quirky saying, or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Never thought of something like that but people would probably pay closer attention to pennies if it was like a snapple bottle cap that gave facts. Just be sure to do spell check when finished with typing.

Anonymous said...

This makes the penny like a fortune cookie. I love this idea. If the penny was like this, everyday life would be so much more fun.

Anonymous said...

Very good idea, more people should think like you. Very oryginal and funny. I like it and enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! i like it. Your essay shows how we can turn something less meaningless into tid bits of informationthat can be humorous or trivial and in a world of seriousness we could all use fun! Right? Liked it alot.