Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let's remember our presidents

I think that Lincoln has had a long run being on the U.S. penny since 1909. I do believe that each term a president is in office he should be on the penny. The president of the United States is our Commander and Chief and represents everything that the United States stands for. Lincoln, though I respect him a great deal is not all that we stand for. We have all of our great states on the back of the quarter and on the front is our first elected president of the U.S., George Washington, which symbolizes a great deal. We have on the back of the dime a torch which symbolizes our ability to United with other nations. We have on the nickel a picture of the creator of our Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson. I feel that the rest of the currency is in the right place but that the Penny could be better used for our current president.
I feel that we owe it to the person that is running our nation, the person that is looking over the welfare and care the billions of citizens that we have in the United States, especially in today’s times with terrorism and war. Each President of the United States deserves to be remembered for all their hard work by being on the front of the penny to be remembered for a long time to come. I personally feel that once a president is out of office that they are forgotten about in not so much a literal term, but that all of their accomplishments and hard work falls into the hands of the current president at that time. I may go back and think of a specific time or event and ask myself, who did that? I feel that who ever is displayed on the U.S. Penny should be someone that has been in our time, and have dealt with our issues of the 20th and 21st century. I am not in anyway by writing this saying that Lincoln is not a very honorable man that has done very honorable things for us, just simply that the Lincoln Memorial is a place that was made to honor him, now we need something to honor our Presidents.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea behind this, and the points this person used to spark my interest in to why he/she thinks the way they do.

Anonymous said...

I think this is probably one of the best ideas, though the penny probably won't be around for longer than one or two more presidents. It would have been nice to start at Washington though, haha. It makes me think of the Roman emperors and their detailed likenesses on contemporary coins, though perhaps that's not the best comparison to make...

Anonymous said...

This individual went outside the box. I like that. There has been so many presidents not all of whom we can say great things about but so many we can. How many of them do we remember? This would be a wonderful history lesson.