Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Statue of Liberty on the penny

The new face of the penny should be the statue of liberty. I think that the statue of liberty plays a big role in the U.S. It’s not just some unique gift from the French but, it also symbolizes freedom for the citizens of the United States of America. Lincoln looks good on the penny but the statue of liberty will look even better. The statue penny will remind people that the US is a free country and that no one can take that freedom away from them.
The statue of liberty is a very popular monument in the USA. People from all over the world visit the U.S to see it or they have seen it either in pictures, movies or books. I believe that the symbol of the statue of liberty is already on some coins in the US, but those coins don’t get around much like the penny does. The statue penny will also go overseas by tourist from all over the world and the penny itself will be a great souvenir for them to take to their family and friends. Lincoln was a great guy and did great things, but I think it’s about time he retires from the penny. He still has the five dollar bills with his face on them. Also the faces of men have been on every single dollar and coin in the U. S, it’s about time we get a female face on a coin, even though she isn’t real.
Even though this is just my opinion on who should be the next face of the penny, I think that a good amount of other people would agree with me. Not just because it will look better but because of what she represents and the fact that the statue is a female.


Anonymous said...

This essay was well written and made some very valid points, however, I'm sticking with my opinion that people don't actually spend enough time looking at the penny, or any other coin to care. It's not a piece of artwork, it's a coin that takes up space in our wallets until we spend it. If I had to choose though, yes, I would say that I agree, it is definitely time for a woman to get recognized, and what better than the symbol that stands tall and proud near Ellis Island, where most immigrants have to come through.

Anonymous said...

You make a valid point except for the fact that Lincoln is also seen as an iconic figure for the freedom of Americans. You can take these arguments and turn them around really easily and support keeping Lincoln on the penny. Also it can't really be assumed that this change would be accepted by all. It's all about personal preference. Besides, Europeans don't have a very tasteful view of American at the time so I don't believe they would think of new American money symbols as a possitive change. It may lead them to think that the unitiy that has been built over time, is starting to show cracks.

Anonymous said...

In the last paragraph, the author should take a stronger stance for their thoughts in the essay. It is not necessary to say, "Even though it is just my opinion..." The essay doesn't need justification in that sense. Their reasons behind what theyre arguing are enough.

Anonymous said...

I like the way this one was written, and I do believe that sometimes we forget our freedom, and live our lives in fear and in ways that people want us to live our lives, and looking at the symbol of freedom when you pull out a penny, if you ever look at the damn thing, would be a good reminder.

Anonymous said...

that is not true there was the Susan B. Anthony coin and the Sacagewaia dollar coin both had females on them.

Anonymous said...

i like how you stated that she stands for freedom which goes perfectly with america, but i dont like how you brought up because the staute is female. i dont think it being a male or female should matter.

Anonymous said...

As popular as the statue of liberty is I believe we should have a real life person on our coin. There are so many iconic leaders that have done monemetous things for the country. Although I don't agree that the statue of liberty should be on the penny I think you have a lot of great ideas. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

This paper has some good points, but I think it could use some cleaning up. The tone is rather casual for a graded paper, and rather than saying "I believe...", it would look much better if you just looked up a list of US currency and who is on them.

Anonymous said...

This choice for me would be my second in line. The reason is the word liberty. That word means a lot to me and anything or anyone who represents liberty would be a fine choice. The only reason this would not be a first choice for me is because this is an object and I feel that the next penny should have an actual person who has lived or is living

Anonymous said...

Great point. This essay was very well written.

Anonymous said...

This choice for me would be my second in line. The reason is the word liberty. That word means a lot to me and anything or anyone who represents liberty would be a fine choice. The only reason this would not be a first choice for me is because this is an object and although it represents liberty it was those who have lived and is living that gave us that liberty and helps us to continue living free. Therefore I must go with a person rather than a symbol.