Tuesday, September 9, 2008

W deserves the honor

For the past ninety-nine years or so Abraham Lincoln has been the face on the U.S. penny. He's also had his face on the five dollar bill for quite a while as well. I believe that it's time for some change. He was one of the greatest presidents of all time so he deserves his place on the five dollar bill but he might be too great for the penny that no one in America really cares about. The worthlessness of a penny doesn't quite fit the memory of Lincoln. That is why next year, I propose that we put George W. Bush on the penny; he's just the man for the job.

The man dubbed dub-yah was and is just about as useful to this country as a penny is to you and me. President Bush's exiting of the white house should be immortalized in his face being put on the penny in 09, when we get some fresh faces in the white house. Quite a few people in America would remember George Bush if they found a penny on the street. They would think to themselves, "Hmm, I remember this guy, he definitely seems like more suitable of a candidate for this coin than Lincoln." Then they would proceed to toss the penny away and forget all about it. In fact, the penny shouldn't even be brought back next year, like bush shouldn't have been brought back to office. It's a worthless coin that no one uses but ninety year old women buying photocopies at the staples copy center. I'm sure the nickel would replace the penny as the lowest valued coin in the U.S. without much fuss.


Anonymous said...

I think that this essay was well written and has some valid points. Personally I am not a fan of Bush, but welcome to politics and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So strictly speaking on content, you've done a great job making you're point valid and making me believe that you really stand behind this view, you aren't just backing it up with facts but you're backing it up personally too.

Anonymous said...

I like the comparison of the uslessness of the penny to our current president. It rings true in my mind. He is just as worthless, and I would support putting him on teh penny for that reason alone. It was a really well written piece and you backed it up wonderfully using ample examples to get your point across.

Anonymous said...

Amen! i totally agree with your desicion as a matter of fact i never really thought about that. because the penny is pretty msuch useless to the country, why dont we jsut put a face that was jsut as useless to the country as well. your essay is very humorous and it had my full attention :-)

Anonymous said...

I like the thought of proclaiming Bush will be on the penny from now on, and then discontinuing them.
However, pennies can be useful if you save up many of them. How much worse off would this country be with more Bushes in power? *Shudder*
Still, very funny piece here.

Anonymous said...

bravo, that has to be the best essay i have so far read. I like the way you compared the value of the penny to Bush and how you just let your feelings take control of the keyboard and wrote a wonderful and true argument on who should be on the penny. Though i dont think that the penny should be abolished i think it should stick around to remind people of the ignorant president we once allowed to run our country.

Anonymous said...

Until the penny is out I cannot view it as being worthless but I do understand the comparison. You actually made me want to see this happen so I believe you accomplished making your argument.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I too ( like most of the country am not a fan) although i dont think it would be very nice or considered an honor.. i love the idea and would vote for it ever came up... but might i suggest the bush toilet paper.. seems like something you would be interested in... it's out there... trust me.. google it!

Anonymous said...

I like the fact the you equate the value of the penny to the value of or current president. I do not however want to be reminded of him and his poor ways of running this country each time I look at a penny. Perhaps we should rename dirt to "W". :)