Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lincoln should remain

I believe that redoing the American penny would be a useless waste of time and money. I believe that Abe Lincoln who has been on the American penny since 1909 should remain on the penny.
A question that should be answered with thought and concern is… Who is paying for this and is there really a point or need to do a change? The answer to the question would probably be no. There really is no point to changing the image on the back of the penny. The point would be if any to use a more current president or figure of stature. And then how this would be decided? Would there be a vote on who thinks which president was great and had a huge impact on the American culture and way of life in the recent 50years or so. The answer to the question would be huge. Many people would have a different answer with a different reason. Weather or not those answers would be valid what would come of this? Probably would be another debate or argument.
The whole problem with making a change such as that would be the waste of money. Coming from the tax payers of America, meaning us! Do the tax payers really deserve to serve this purpose of making the change of the American penny? Abe Lincoln could be argued of having the largest impact of the American country since the civil war. However many people could say he really did not do anything, he was not entirely against slavery. It was just a topic he chose a side on and went with it. What else did he do? He was the leader of the north who was assassinated creating a even greater and larger image upon him making him. The same arguments could be made about any president. George Washington did not even want to be the president. He was simply the general of the soon to be American country. He was the many of the hour when the British surrendered. However he still became the first president.
The main idea with what presidents did and how it effected today is, the presidents on the current coins and dollar bills are the presidents who made a impact on the growth of our country. Some of these people where the president at the time of expansion, some where just doing there job leading the army, while some where the leader of the winning side of the war that brought our country back together.
Now for picking a current president what would be the reasons? For the president who’s being viewed as doing ‘nothing’ or being in office during a time of war, or maybe who’s viewed as being involved in a scandal. The answers to the views on any resent president are huge many people look at each and every president in so many different ways positive and negative.
However there is no argument about the oldest of the presidents who where in the office at times of great change.
This whole debate would only postpone other issues being decided that could be more important to be debated. And the largest thing would be is the money being sucked into the debate and the change. Lets face it, its not free to have something designed and made, templates would be needed to stamp out the new coins after the initial design is made, then the quantity would need to be massive. Sure another argument could even be made from that. The year is changed every year on the coin; however this is a minor change to what is made. And most the people could say the see the need in dating the money, while it as well in reality is a pointless change in its own. However nearly everything in our culture is dated.
While the change on the American quarter did go through and every state having there own picture on the back of this coin was accepted, another completely different idea would be needed. People would be very unlikely to go for the idea of using the same image on each coin. And using a different image would just not appear to look right.
The final point comes down to why would we, the people of this country be paying to make a change that is only a national debate and disruption that is not needed. I do not believe there would be any figure or person great enough to be placed on the national currency for the penny that everyone would be able to agree with.


Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with this, it already costs so much to mint a useless coin, why waste more to change it? And what would be the standards to pick a new image? Ugh. Right on.

Anonymous said...

Realistic essay. Why change something that will cause debate and more money. Essay was a bit long.