Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Remember 9-11

There are many people that have been recognized and rewarded for their achievements. One being our first president George Washington whom is on the dollar bill or President Abraham Lincoln for successfully leading his country in a time of crisis, he was recognized by being placed on the Penny. Some things that is used and exchanged everyday across the United States of America. Why not recognize a time of crisis when the whole country came together as one and overcame a huge disaster. September 11th known as the day the twin towers collapsed and the whole country came together to help one another in need, deserves a real place in history on the American penny.
Though the twin towers collapsing was a very sad part of history for this country, it should still be remembered. All the people that were lost and all the people that lost loved ones. 9/11 was reflected upon for being one of the hardest times that brought America closer more than ever. By placing the twin towers on the penny it would be like expressing a thanks to those that gave all they could to help others in need that day, even their lives. Also it would be a tribute out to the ones that suffered and lost their lives in this incident.
Rather than recognizing just one person such a president or another historical figure like those on all the other forms of money in the United States. Why not recognize millions who saved lives or made an effort to save lives even while risking their own, and truly caring enough to even help strangers in need. I say why not make a tribute to the U.S.A to thank one another for their contributions at such a time of need. Not only was the day the twin towers collapsed a memorable day but it was also a famous land mark in America. The least we could do is place it on the American penny.


Anonymous said...

An interesting idea. The collapsing of the Twin Towers was a big impact on our nation and will be remembered like Pearl Harbor in the history texts. However, I'm not sure on this, but I think there has already been a coin made in rememberance of 9/11 by the goernment. I think it was a limited collectors coin so this would definately have a more lasting appeal to it. Very well written.

Anonymous said...

Well writen, has some good points. I would agree that a crisis would be a great idea for the coin. But maybe considering on why 9-11 over other days such as Pearl Harbor, or other known days in history. Only downside as was stated by Trent is, that I do believe it was used in a collectors coin.

Anonymous said...

While I do agree 9/11 should be remembered for what it was, I do not agree that it should be immortalized on something that is as visible as a penny. Parallels are drawn to Pearl Harbor in WWII but with Pearl Harbor, it was a military installation attacked and not civilians. Pearl Harbor is not put on a pedestal and neither should 9/11. The impact that 9/11 had on the US and the world will not be eclipsed by any event short of an event of mass destruction.

Now that my rant is over, time to comment on the actual writing of the paper...

Overall this paper was written extremely well. A topic was picked that would tear at the heartstrings at nearly everyone that read it and elicit some sort of response.

Anonymous said...

I like this idea a lot, although i'm not sure if i would want to see the burning twin towers on the penney, purhaps the towers standing tall or the monument remembering them, showing how we all overcame the tragedy and are stronger than ever as oposed to a daily reminder of one of the most horrible things to happen in the history of the country, however i liked how this was written.. pasionate but still tasteful