Thursday, September 11, 2008

What should be on the penny? Nothing.

On the subject of what should be on the US penny next year other than old Abe in all his glory, I
can only think of one thing. Nothing, yes, that’s right, absolutely nothing. Seriously, should the united States REALLY care what’s on the penny, or any of its currency for that matter? Other than the big wigs and radical gung-ho “I love America” fans; the majority of us don’t even know which historical figure is on more than two pieces of currency. Let’s just use our pennies for buying things, or for table games at lunch time since that’s all their really worth nowadays anyways. Look at it this way, yes Lincoln has been on the penny for a long time, it’s natural for people to think “hey it’s time for change”. But with that change will come arguments, and with those arguments, comes debate. Who really wants to debate What’s going on the penny? It’s going nowhere. I would like to see one person in this classroom take a penny in Hand, look at Lincoln and say “this means something personal to me”, then MAYBE we have an Argument about what should or shouldn’t be on it next year. If anything, the penny would have to be
Changed to something that could mean something to everyone to avoid all the flak that would come With it.
So in a nutshell, let’s make it easy for everyone and leave it blank. The penny picture means Nothing to the American culture or how we live our lives daily, if you want that, read a book for god sakes, you shouldn’t have to look in your wallet to be reminded what our country stands for. It’s really All personal opinion if you’re asking what somebody wants to put on it, so I don’t find it logical to make an Argument over something that thousands of people will have thousands of different responses to. Its too much of a personal question to have a valid argument.


Anonymous said...

This essay brings a valid point, and I can attest to not knowing who is on most of the coins, as the other day when writing this essay, I was curious who was on the nickel, and had to take it out and look at it. I think this essay brings about a good point and is well written. I agree when it comes to not having anything personal, because the penny really isn't personal to any of us, it's just something, that like any other coin, takes up space in our wallets and pockets.

Anonymous said...

Your argument is a very good one. I know that I can personally relate with not knowing whats on a piece of currency. Maybe you should broaden your knowledge on human nature before making an assumption that people don't care. Eventhough it seems like no big deal it is a very important piece of symbolism in some people's eyes.

Anonymous said...

I really like this one. I like the bias opinion, and can relate to this person's ideas.

Anonymous said...

Why does the author randomly capitalize words? Besides that, they do have some valid points. However, why would there not be anything on the penny? It is unrealistic to expect something like that. Every countries' currencies have images or sayins on it that relates it to the country.

Anonymous said...

this is a good piece of work because the penny is insignificant to anything for there to be an argument

Anonymous said...

This is the most interesting point made yet that I've seen. I saw a few errors with capitalization though and i feel that the essay should be broken up a bit more into smaller paragraphs. Other than that this is a very strong and unique point.

Anonymous said...

I like this essay and your point of view on the arguement. I've never onced looked at the penny and said oh im proud that president abraham is on it. To be honest i didn't even remember until we discussed it in class. the value of the penny has decrease over the years americans dont even appreciate nor will you find many that will pick one up if they drop it on the floor. Its become just a rusty lil brown coin.

Anonymous said...

This is a pretty passive way to look at things, but good nonetheless. if the penny were to be blank, then we could just use them for whatever minuscule things the penny is used for these days. It would really heighten the fact that a penny is of little worth, which is pretty symbolic.This is all well and fun, but if there is absolutely nothing on the might be hard for some to look through there wallet and say "okay, here's my penny", and good luck to those who carry arcade tokens or bingo chips with them wherever they go.

Anonymous said...

How creative! I love how universal this idea is. And you bring up a lot of relevant points about what really matters to a U.S. citizen, and I agree with you that it's not on the penny. I also liked how you considered the counter arguments, it makes yours that much stronger. Great Job!

Anonymous said...

An interesting and well supported idea. The only issue with this essay is the grammar. It is very difficult to determine where one thought ends and another begins and because of this the essay seems more disjointed than it actually is. With some revision and slight improvement on a few points, this paper could be really good.

Anonymous said...

This essay makes a valid point i just feel like it would look like too rudimentary of a coin if there was nothing on it, not to mention boring and of even less value than the original coin.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! I totally agree with this essay, even though this is not what i sided with. you really have a good point, because nowadays people really see the penny as a worthless currency. my only objection to this essay is that like you stated; "there would be arguements if we were to vote on what should be on the next penny"...but dont you think that there will also be arguments if there wasnt anything on it at all? it sucks to think about, but that's just how our country runs...there's always going to be some kind of disagreement even when you are trying to avoid it.

Anonymous said...

I like how this person used alot of examples to back up their argument and it helps the reader to realize how unimportant the penny is. They did a good job getting their point across

Anonymous said...

i dont think you should have started with "On the subject of what should be on the US penny next year" because its to forward and you want to draw the reader in, not have them figure out what your talking about in the first sentence. i did like how you brought up the fact that there might be a arguments about what will be on the penny.

Anonymous said...

If you have nothing on a currancy, how do you tell if it is real?

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed reading this one, i found it very honest and it was nice to read your honest true thoughts

Anonymous said...

Very well written essay. I have to agree with you. There probably aren't very many people that care enough about who is on the penny to have a debate about it.

Anonymous said...

You make a very interesting point because I can't tell you who is on the other coins & bills other than a $100 bill. Definitely had a strong opinion. I think the essay was very good. Just saw a few errors where words were captialized when it was not necessary.

Anonymous said...

I think this essay was pretty good and it is a fact that nobody care who is on the penny.Although, there was some errors in your essay. for instant there are some words that should not be capitalized.Other than that, I think this essay has good starting and and on top of it you have shared some really good facts.

Anonymous said...

LOL.... toooo funny... I totally agree with everything this writer said. Who cares what's on the penny. And if it must be changed, just leave it blank. There are way too many people to try to please and in the end it doesn't even matter to most. Leave it alone or leave it with nothing.

Anonymous said...

Creative and unique point. Would be tough to keep track of and counterfeiters would have a heyday when you add em all up!

Anonymous said...

Great essay, I don't know who's on most coins and bills, nor do I care. The best way to avoid controversy is to just stop making them. Capitalization needs work, but other than that, good job.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy that essay. Nothing on the penny... good idea. Who cares, anyway. Good arguments, funny, very oryginal.