Thursday, September 11, 2008

Put God's face on the penny

On the front of the U.S. penny is the inscription, “ In God We Trust.” So I am wondering if God’s face should be on the front of the small copper coin instead of Lincoln’s. It seems appropriate.
As I’m trying to picture the face of God I wonder…Is God Black, Caucasian, Oriental, or the color of an emerald rainbow for all I know. Depending on who I consider the U.S. governerment’s God to be would define what the face would look like.
Is it’s God full of kindness, mercy, forgivness, and justice? Is it’s God full of greed, deception, and over taxing of it’s people? If it’s the former it’s the God that is called “ Love”, accorrding to the Bible. This particular face would make sense to be something aesthetically appealing to the eye. If the God was of the latter, it would probably be pictured as a dried up, spineless, bulging, beedy eyed creature like the animated character of “ The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”.
So shall it be the image of a selfish green eyed pitiless creature depicting it’s traits of greedy hoardiness or the peaceful face of a being of “Love”? Neither! As I think more about it, “ Honest Abe” is absolutely the perfect face for our penny. A likeness of the U.S.’s first President seems to represent the government. The legendary story of Abraham’s Lincoln’s honesty has been passed down for centuries. The two may just send the perfect subliminal message, “ to put trust in the government, completly!” So keep Lincoln’s picture on the penny. It may be the perfect façade that masks the truth. The truth being….Well You Can Decide!


Anonymous said...

I think this writer nailed it on the head. How could we out "GOD" on the front of the penny, what does god look like, each and EVERY person would have a different image of "GOD", who is right? Who is wrong? No one person should have the power to portray what "GOD" looks like. Lets leave what "GOD" looks like to each of our own imagination. Because remember he is our god. So kudo's writer.

Anonymous said...

Interesting as this paper is, I had some trouble understanding what the author is trying to say. The sentences and paragraphs could use some clarifying and cleaning up.
Also, the possessive form of "its" has no apostrophe, this mistake drives me nuts! The only time "it's" has an apostrophe is if you are condensing "it is".

Anonymous said...

I felt very confused reading this essay. I dont feel you had a very good argument because how would we put someone we have no idea looks like or even exsists on a penny. I do not feel like you explained it well.You had some good ideas they just didnt seem to be very orginized.

Anonymous said...

God should not ever be on any form of currency. God should not even be mixed with politics.Peoples beliefs in God are so diverse No one "face" or image can ever protray God to his full grace.

Anonymous said...

Had a hard time following along.

Anonymous said...

Intersesting with strong points, but halfway though you changes your mind. Good, but almost confusing.

Anonymous said...

why would you put the face of the creator of the world (as many think so)on a worthless copper penny? i think he deserves more than that. By the way what would he look like?

Anonymous said...

Uh, I am disgusted with the comments some people are giving. Stop being sarcastic and grow up. This is the author's opinion and you are supposed to comment on how the paper was written and what you liked or did not like about the essay, not bash the author for their beliefs. Start acting like an adult. And, if anyone has a problem with my comment, don't just slap yourself as an anonymous and tell people who you are, not hide.